Thursday, August 26, 2010

Oh my gosh!

I totally just felt the baby move. There have been a few times that I have thought maybe I felt something moving around in my guts, but I wasn't really sure if it was a baby. This was definitly not normal. I got poked from the inside by something. I was so excited I nearly cried- I can blame the nearly crying part on the fact that my hormones are way out of whack (for example: I now avoid driving on the freeway because I get really angry. I have pregnancy road rage).


  1. This is so exciting! I think you can blame UDOT for your road rage too. That construction is miserable.

  2. Ha ha! I love the way your write. That is so awesome!! By the way, Grant's kindergarten teacher looks like you. Then when I went to back to school night and his teacher started talking to us I was in complete shock because she talks and laughs just like you too! Crazy.... {eerie music playing}
