On Monday my nieces were staying over because Julia's brother was getting married and they had gone to Oklahoma with Cody for the wedding. That was the hardest day because I had 2 extra kids and we couldn't go anywhere because I didn't have a car that could fit all of us. I think having that day first made the rest of the week easier. On Tuesday the boys had pediatrician appointments down in Provo (we are going to need to get a pediatrician closer to home and I'm bummed because I loved our doctor in Provo). Before the appointment we went and hung out with my friend Laurel and had lunch and played at a park with her and her daughter.

It's hard to keep these boys out of things because they are good climbers and Danny will leave doors open. Sometimes I hear water running in the bathroom and I have to go pull Kyle off the counter.
Everyone survived last week and I think my kids were being extra good because we have already had more three year old problems this week than all of last.
The garden is doing great (unfortunately the weeds are thriving too so I need to do something about those).
We also went on a family vacation to Legoland with Jon's family and had a good time hanging out with the family and going on rides and all the amusement park stuff.
Kyle seems like he is learning new words like crazy. He is very good at mimicking things he hears and see, because of this he thinks a hanger is called a gun and makes sound effects when he hold one. He likes to climb up on to the play set and announce his success with a dun-dun-dah. Jon says that Kyle needs to get some different cries because every time he cries he sounds like he has been mortally wounded and it's hard to tell if he got hurt or just wants the water bottle Danny took from him.
Danny is a three year old and I need to remind myself that this is just a phase and there are good times mixed in with the punching and tantrum. Danny's favorite thing to do is watch tv or play on mommy or daddy's phone. He would do this all the time if we let him. Last night I thought ,"wow Danny went to bed really great he didn't come downstairs his normal 5+ times." Jon had his phone upstairs charging and Danny had found it and was playing on it for I don't know how long until he had to go to the bathroom and I heard the music when he was in the hall. On the bright side, he is totally potty trained day and night and he hasn't had an accident in a long time.
Jon, in addition to holding down the fort with me for the summer, has started working for iCracked fixing iPhones and iPads and stuff. He likes it and it is a nice chance to do something out of the regular routine.
I'm still doing Mary Kay and I've been on a real knitting kick recently. Those things help me keep my sanity sometimes. Today I went on a jog and I'm hoping to make that a habit again.
That's probably enough of an update for now. Until next time.