I don't know if I mentioned that I got a new calling in my ward a little over a month ago... Well I did. I am the Young Women President. It has been really fun. I was nervous at first that I would not be able to handle it, but it has been really great and I love the girls in our ward. I even went to girls camp for a few days shortly after I was put in as president. I'm still working at the doctors office and am very busy right now because our front desk receptionist is in Europe for the month and I am covering for her and trying to keep up on my stuff too. It is busy but it makes the work day go by quickly.
Jon has started classes again for this sememster and he is really liking them. He is taking a lot of education classes and it is confirming to him that he wants to be a teacher. We also got the scooter up and working again and he has taken it to class a few times. Because of his schedule he is still able to watch Danny a few days a week and I think he likes hanging out with our sweet little boy.
Life is good, but busy. We want to get our carpets cleaned because they are super nasty. The garden is pretty much done; my tomatoes never got very big but we got quite a few of them and they are very tasty. I also want to try to transplant some of my garden plants (my pepper and cucumber) that didn't grow very well into pots and bring them inside for the winter, so we'll see if they can survive the winter inside.
Over the Labor day weekend we had a little Westover reunion with my parents and siblings at my parents cabin in Timberlakes. It was really fun we played a lot of games, I ate the best steak I have ever eaten, and on Monday we rented 2 wave runners at Deer Creek and spent a few hours zipping around the resevoir on those.
This weekend we are going to be hanging out with the Ware side of the family, so that will be fun.
Life is good. It is going quickly, but that is just the way it goes sometimes.
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